My Concerns As a Teacher

I am a school teacher. Preschool to be exact. I'm just getting into it. But I've worked in areas that were relate-able. I used to work in school nutrition for a school system just across the state line. Sometimes I would visit the classrooms and talk to the kids.  That's what lead me to child development.  Being a teacher, you not only help your students learns but you learn many things as well.  One thing that concerns me is what appears to be a lack of imagination and creativity in today's young children. I believe that it is a result of children being given I-pads and electronic devices to play their games and so they aren't exercising their imaginations or being creatively stimulated.  They never take the initiative to go to the art center and draw, when they do it's just a few scribbles here and there. We provide them with a giant container filled with crayons of all colors and they are not inspired to use them and create something, anything.  As a teacher I really have to pull the creativity out of them.  I sit with them and I draw and color with them as a way to give them some sort of push. My co-teacher and I were talking about this and another issue is that kids are not learning to use a dictionary or a thesaurus.  I'm talking about by hand. Opening up that dictionary and using the alphabet to look up words. These things are online so that makes it faster and easier, this is true.  But what if you are somewhere without internet access or without electricity?  I remember reading an article where someone was asking of it even makes sense to teach handwriting anymore because everything is done electronically.  Advancements in technology are often seen as something positive. But there is always a dark side to progress and I believe this falls in there.
